Our system learns everything about your business in 30 seconds
We setup the bot for you
We help connect it with all channels (FB,IG,Google etc..)
Easily edit , add or remove information from bots library.
You can focus on your business while we take care of all the hard stuff.
Answers with a Human Touch
Fast, Fun, and Focused
Always guide prospects towards the goal you set.(booking an appointments / collect leads etc..)
Multi-Platform Integration
See all messages in one dashboard
Never Miss a Customer Message
No technical skills needed to setup.
Google My Business
Facebook Messenger
Instagram DMs
Whatsapp Chat
Automatically Texts Back Any Missed Calls
Engages In Intelligent Conversation
Converts Missed Calls Into Appointments / Sales
Shown Up To 40% Increase In Lost Revenue Recovery
Centralize Chats into Leads
Automate Lead Generation
Maintain customer lists for future promotions
Engage & Convert with Targeted Campaigns